Job Opportunities at Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)

5 Job Opportunities at Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
Job Opportunities

Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) | Type: Job
Published: 2024-06-14 | Deadline: 2024-06-21

1. Job Title: Environmental Project Pipeline Development Specialist

Job responsibilities

  • Liaise with REMA’s senior management, including the DG, DDG, Division Managers, SPIU Coordinator, Program Managers, and Sector Specialists to develop the SPIU’s resource mobilization strategy.
  • Improve efficiency and effectiveness of business development processes, including proposal development, partnership management, financial reporting, etc.
  • Facilitate the development of the SPIU’s Resource Mobilization Strategy which includes securing new, diverse, and additional resources for REMA. The strategy should respond to REMA’s funding needs.
  • Conduct and develop a 5-year funding needs assessment for the SPIU.
  • Develop a Resource Mobilization Manual that includes standard operating procedures and processes; and define the direction of resource acquisition and utilization, approvals and follow-up.
  • Research potential donors/partners such as trusts, foundations, companies, and high-net-worth individuals. This includes proactively identifying funding opportunities, as soon as or ideally before they become public knowledge constantly scanning the horizon, networking and soliciting donor intelligence and sharing information on donor profiles (policies, preferences, geographical focus).
  • In collaboration with the SPIU team, and consultants, participate in the drafting of appealing proposals and concepts to diverse sources, including development partners, corporate, academia, policy-makers, philanthropists, and foundations.
  • Produce Resource Mobilisation Plans and Reports as per stipulated periods and requirements. Includes close working relations with the Finance team in the development of appropriate budgets.
  • Developing, managing, and updating Friends of REMA databases to record their contacts and preference information;
  • Maintaining a network of corporate contacts and effectively managing and maximizing these relationships.
  • Develop and Strengthen Partnerships for Joint Proposal Writing, especially with credible organizations in the country. Includes registering with relevant fundraising associations.
  • Organize resource mobilization events, for example, Donor Round Tables.
  • Build staff capacity on resource mobilization at all levels, including developing tools and skills to aid staff in resource mobilization. This will also include, internally building a case for Resource Mobilization by sensitizing staff on the proposition for mobilizing resources.
  • Maintain relations with donors and ensure they are consistently and timely informed on important operational issues. This includes effective communication with donors’ focal points and being the SPIU’s focal point for resource mobilization and sustainability activities


  • Bachelor's Degree in Project Management, environmental economics, Environmental Management with 5 Years of relevant experience
  • Master's Degree in Project Management, Environmental Management, environmental economics with 3 Years of relevant experience


2. Job Title: Financial Management Specialist

Job responsibilities

  • Participate in the development of key priorities and Action Plan of REMA SPIU projects
  • Participate in the budget preparation process of all projects
  • Coordinate the Preparation of annual, quarterly and monthly expenditure plans in collaboration with the M&E Specialist
  • Ensure timely preparation of periodic budget execution and financial statement reports
  • Participate in budget revision process of projects
  • Manage an effective financial management system for the SPIU and ensure that accounting and book keeping records are prepared and maintained in accordance with projects requirements as well as statutory and organization policies, chart of accounts, and related accounting standards, principles and practices.
  • Produce Periodic financial statements and Ensure compliance with financial rules and regulations
  • Prepare bank accounts reconciliation statements
  • Analyze financial statements for consistency
  • Correct errors found in financial statements
  • Follow up the approval of the project financial statements as per development partners reporting requirements
  • Follow up replenishment of funds from the concerned development partners
  • Ensure accounting coding and budgeting lines are correct: this includes verification of financial reports, expenses and supporting documents
  • Ensure accounting coding and budgeting lines are correct: this includes verification of financial reports, expenses and supporting documents
  • Facilitate process of internal and external audit of different projects under the SPIU
  • Advise SPIU /REMA in matters related to financial management
  • Record all project transactions properly in IFMIS and submit the monthly project report within the stipulated deadline
  • Verify staff payroll for payment at the end of each month
  • Ensures all invoices from external parties (contractors, suppliers, e.t.c.) are paid in due time
  • Check conformity and accuracy of payments requests
  • Build and strengthen partnerships with donors such as World Bank, Fund Development Partners, service providers, and other potential partners.
  • Declaration of taxes every month
  • Perform any other duties as assigned by SPIU REMA Coordination;


Master's in Finance, Accounting, Business Administration with specialization in Accounting/ Finance, Management with Specialization in Accounting, Management with Specialization in Finance, Public Finance with 5 Years of relevant experience


3. Job Title: Monitoring & Environment Specialist

Job responsibilities

  • Develop the overall framework for the implementation of an M&E of the project activities in accordance with the project documents
  • Conduct readiness assessment regarding M&E within the Project Team by clarifying M&E contributions required by project team;
  • Ensure that the baseline is available and take overall responsibility in its implementation;
  • Ensure that sources of data, collection methods, who collects data, how often, cost of collection and who analyzes it is understood across the projects;
  • Build the capacity of all beneficiaries of the project to collect, collate, analyze, and disseminate information based on results;
  • Lead the creation of a culture of evidenced-based decision-making within the SPIU project team.
  • Ensure all critical risks are identified and reported to the project manager
  • Contribute to the development of the Annual Work Plan and budget (AWP &B), ensuring they are aligned with project documents.; also include the M&E activities in the work plan and budget;
  • Prepare calendar of M&E activities;
  • Ensuring knowledge management documentation for the project regarding lessons learnt, insights, best practices, results and impacts;
  • Based on the annual work plan and budgets, design the framework for the physical and process monitoring of project activities;
  • Oversee and execute M&E activities included in the annual work plan, with particular focus on results and impacts as well as in lesson learning, through data collection, collating, analysis, and reporting;
  • Monitor the implementation of the project through conducting filed visits and preparation of progress reports and any required technical reports;
  • Work closely with project staff responsible for M&E at the local level to collect, analyse, and consolidate data as well as verify the internal consistency and validity of data submitted by the beneficiaries;
  • To promote and monitor M&E activities.
  • Coordinate the preparation of all M&E reports and take an active part in the preparation of Financial Monitoring Reports;
  • Prepare consolidated M&E reports for project management including identification of problems, causes of potential bottlenecks in project implementation, and providing specific recommendations;
  • At the end of each activity, the M&E Expert will have to document on what happened as a result of the activity and why it happened;
  • Check that monitoring data are discussed in the appropriate forum (such as National Technical Advisory Committee meetings) and in a timely fashion in terms of implications for future action. If necessary, create such discussion fora to fill any gaps;
  • Undertake regular visits to the field to support implementation of M&E and to identify where adaptations might be needed. Review and comment on those visits and prepare monthly monitoring reports in coordination with district level. Reports in the local language for local committees shall be prepared where required;
  • Foster participatory planning and monitoring by training and involving stakeholder groups in the M&E of activities;
  • Work with local district staff(Project intervention areas) to ensure consistency and compatibility of data and information collection templates/forms, in collection and dissemination of data within and outside the project;
  • Provide overall support to the District staff to prepare their periodic work plans;
  • Make regular reports to the National Project Steering Committee through the Project Coordinator, highlighting areas of concern and preparing the documentation for review at meetings;
  • Continuously evaluate the MIS and consult with project staff and other project stakeholders to assure that it meets their needs;
  • Recommend changes or additions to the MIS, when deemed necessary;
  • Help project staff with timely accurate data storage and dissemination of information;


  • Bachelor's Degree in Development Studies, Statistics, Agribusiness, Applied Economics, Social Sciences, environmental economics with 5 Years of relevant experience
  • Master's Degree in Statistics, Social Sciences, Agribusiness, Applied Economics, environmental economics with 3 Years of relevant experience


4. Job Title: Greening & Investments Specialist

Job responsibilities

  • Identify and analyse the potential green investment opportunities across various sectors, such as renewable energy, clean technology, and sustainable green infrastructure.
  • Develop and promote the innovative financial products and instruments that support green investments.
  • Develop and analyse financial models to assess the feasibility and potential impact of green investment projects.
  • Develop and implement green space management plans;
  • Promote and manage green infrastructure projects;
  • Prepare proposals and presentations to secure funding from investors, donors, and other stakeholders.
  • Manage the investment portfolio, including monitoring progress, evaluating financial performance, and reporting on results.
  • Build and maintain relationships with key stakeholders, including investors, project developers, government agencies, and NGOs.
  • Participate in the development of environmental strategies and initiatives, ensuring financial considerations are integrated.
  • Provide the technical assistance and capacity building to support the development and implementation of green investment initiatives.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the impact of green investments on environmental, social, and economic outcomes.
  • Any other duties as may be assigned by REMA Management.


  • Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Management, environmental economics, Natural Resources Management with 5 Years of relevant experience

  • Master's Degree in Environmental Management, Natural Resources Management, environmental economics with 3 Years of relevant experience


5. Job Title: Multilateral Environmental Agreements Specialist

Job responsibilities

  • Assess the existing international protocols program and propose suitable changes to make it stronger and able to accommodate more projects obtained to strengthen Rwanda's capacity to achieve its objectives under Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs).
  • Assess MEAs Rwanda ratified to identify possible funds that Rwanda receives on regular basis and highlight the other sources of fund that Rwanda may receive upon project developments
  • Monitor the progress implementation of the program and prepare the annual report showing funds Rwanda receive and collaborate with project Managers and other project staff to have annual status report of the project implementation under international environmental protocol program.
  • Facilitate regularly review of project plans and objectives to ensure alignment with convention requirements. And budget panning and reporting as per government fiscal year.
  • Collaborate with project managers to collect relevant data for reporting purposes.
  • Ensure timely submission of reports to relevant convention bodies or project implementing agencies
  • Liaise with MEAs secretariats teams to provide capacity building for National Focal Points for MEAs and other staff implementing projects under the international protocol program
  • Monitor and ensure compliance with guidelines and regulations outlined in international environmental conventions.
  • Provide recommendations for corrective actions when needed
  • Facilitate the drafting of PCA of the project under Internation protocols and involve in PCA legitimatisations and maintain accurate and up-to-date project documentation.
  • Interested candidate should have experience in relation to or in the implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreement and in preparation of projects to respond to call for project preproposals issue by MEAs secretariats to support the country to reach its obligations under Multilateral Conventions Rwanda ratified.
  • Any other duties as may be assigned by REMA Management.


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Sciences, environmental economics with 5 Years of relevant experience

  • Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences, environmental economics, Environmental Law with 3 Years of relevant experience