Job Opportunities at Burera District

Burera District |
Type: Job
Published: 2024-07-30 | Deadline: 2024-08-06
1. Job Title: Administrative Assistant
Job responsibilities
Read and verify the form and substance of documents submitted to the Mayor;
Prepare the Mayor’s agenda, including appointments schedule;
Prepare, manage, record and dispatch correspondences by or intended for the Mayor;
Manage the Office of the Mayor and handle his/her visitors;
Make logistical arrangements for all meetings chaired by the Mayor;
Arrange external meetings and appointments of the Mayor;
Organize travels for the Mayor and work hand in hand with public relations, customer care to provide protocol to Mayor’s visitors.
Advanced Diploma in Secretarial Studies, Office Management with 0 Year of relevant experience
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration, Administrative Sciences, Law, management, Social work, Sociology with 0 Year of relevant experience
2. Job Title: Documentation and Archives Officer
Job responsibilities
Develop and operate a system for documentation and archives for the City of Kigali in accordance with internationally benchmarked practices and standards;
Develop and implement, in collaboration with concerned staff, an information classification and access policy;
Manage, in collaboration with the Logistics officer and other concerned units, the acquisition and borrowing system of books and other documents and prepare related annual budget;
Make an annual inventory of books and documents acquired by the City of Kigali and ensure their proper maintenance;
Maintain an effective cataloguing and indexing of books and regularly update the City of Kigali’s documentation database;
Collect and distribute newspapers, official gazettes and any other public (policy) documents and inform library users on new acquisitions.
Bachelor's Degree in Office Management, Library & Information Science, Bibliotheconomy with 0 Year of relevant experience
Diploma (A1) in Office Management, Library & Information Science with 0 Year of relevant experience
3. Job Title: Archivist
Job responsibilities
File physical and electronic documents of the One Stop Centre;
Maintain an effective cataloguing and indexing of files and regularly update the OSC’s database;
Classify and store other relevant documents of the OSC;
Trace and avail land files for exploitation by technicians of the OSC as need arises;
Issue land file copies to the owner whose original ones are lost in accordance with applicable laws, regulations & procedures;
Store and take care of deed plans and any other relevant documents approved by OSC.
Advanced Diploma in Secretarial Studies, Office Management, Office Management, Library and Information Science with 0 Year of relevant experience
Bachelor's Degree in Office Management, Library and Information Sciences, Bibliotheconomy, Secretariat Studies with 0 Year of relevant experience
4. Job Title: Constituency Affair Officer
Job responsibilities
Prepare logistical arrangements both for meetings and visits of councilors to their constituencies;
Keep the record of all issues brought by the local population to the attention of councilors for action and provide regular feedback;
Analyze and exploit all reports of the Sector Councils with the intent to identify issues which need the District Council’s attention;
Assist closely the District Council Affairs Specialist in preparing periodical reports of the District Council’s activities.
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration, Administrative Sciences, Sociology, Public Policy, Law, Psychology, Political Sciences, Governance, ARTs with 0 Year of relevant experience
5. Job Title: Data Management Officer
Job responsibilities
Develop a quality system of aggregated and disaggregated data consolidation in matters related to Socio-Economic Status of the Sector, ensure its regular updating;
Consolidate quantitative data on all activities performed by the Sector where applicable and ensure its dissemination;
Avail data to support planning and decision-making at the Sector level;
Consolidate reports on all activities performed by the Sector against the local plan.
Bachelor's Degree in Economics, Management, Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Data Management, Planning with 0 Year of relevant experience
6. Job Title: Disability Research and Mainistreaming Officer
Job responsibilities
Elaborate a local strategy on disability mainstreaming and monitor its implementation at Sector level, and produce consolidated reports thereof;
Elaborate the plan and budget of the National Council of People with Disabilities at the District level, follow up on its execution and develop project proposals to mobilize additional resources;
Coordinate, monitor and evaluate the interventions intended for people with disabilities and coordinate advocacy activities meant to improve the condition of the beneficiaries;
Coordinate campaigns meant to raise and sensitize people with disabilities on productive activities and available development opportunities;
Maintain an updated database of people with disabilities and their organizations operating within the District.
Elaborate a local strategy on disaster management and monitor its implementation at Sector level, and produce consolidated reports thereof;
Elaborate a local strategy on disaster management and monitor its implementation at Sector level, and produce consolidated reports thereof;
Supervise the day-to-day operational management of disaster management activities across the district;
Monitor the functioning of the National Early Warning and the Disaster Monitoring Information Systems across the District and timely report any unusual issue detected;
Map all disaster-prone and high risk zones in the District and regularly keep the map updated;
Coordinate campaigns meant to raise local population awareness on preparedness for disaster and its management and serve as the Secretary to the District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC).
District and timely report any unusual issue detected;
Map all disaster-prone and high risk zones in the District and regularly keep the map updated;
Coordinate campaigns meant to raise local population awareness on preparedness for disaster and its management and serve as the Secretary to the District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC).
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration, Administrative Sciences, Sociology, Law, Psychology, Social Work, Clinical Medicine, Educational Psychology, ARTs with 0 Year of relevant experience
7. Job Title: Electricity Maintenance Engineer
Job responsibilities
Identify sources of electrical energy exploitable in the District;
Identify priority sites to be provided with electricity;
Identify and recommend areas that need to be electrically maintained in public buildings;
Identify and draw the attention of the concerned agency on necessary maintenance works on the electrical supply lines;
Supervise maintenance works of electrical installations falling under the District’s responsibilities.
Supervise the implementation of strategies and mobilization mechanisms of local population for National Domestic Biogas and Improved Cook Stoves Programs at District Level;
Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering, Electricity Sciences with 0 Year of relevant experience
Advanced Diploma in Electricity Sciences, Electrical Engineering with 0 Year of relevant experience
8. Job Title: Employment Promotion Officer
Job responsibilities
Gather, consolidate and update aggregated and disaggregated data related to the employment status within the District;
Develop and keep updated databank on job vacancies and job demands and link job seekers with employers;
Assist and or advise job seekers in readiness to work program (CV writing, internship, …) and job application technics and link job seekers’ to programs aimed at enhancing job seeker’s skills and attitudes to stand for job interviews;
Mobilise companies and craftsmen to host internees and apprentices
Work closely with Sector Staff in charge of business development and employment promotion and staff in charge of local revenue collection to gather employment statistics from grass roots level.
Elaborate and coordinate the implementation of local strategies and mobilization campaigns meant to promote job creation within the District;
Develop, in collaboration with any concerned stakeholder, strategies meant to attract investments likely to create local jobs.
Facilitate in implementation of national labour policy and instructions related to foreign manpower, fight against child labour and elaborate realistic programs and projects supporting job-oriented access and creation of employment of the national population answering the identified needs
Monitor and evaluate the impact of the national policy and programs implemented to facilitate job creation and access
Implement mechanisms to follow the national employment evolution Disseminate relatives supports in the districts
Develop and organize a system of periodical meetings between employers and jobs seekers
Organize sensitization campaigns for concerned organizations and employers trade unions
Identify with them the major issues of labour and employment market and main orientations for labour accessibility
Bachelor's Degree in Economics, Project Management, Development Studies, Agri-business, Rural Development, Labour Economics, Business Economics, Agro-Economy with 0 Year of relevant experience
9. Job Title: Road Development And Maintenance Engineer
Job responsibilities
Supervise all construction and maintenance works of the District’s Roads, Sewage, Bridges and Drainages;
Produce and update on a regular basis an inventory of the District’s roads state;
Consolidate roads construction and maintenance needs across the District;
Suggest, through his or her direct supervisor, a set of intervention priorities in matters related to roads construction and maintenance;
Prepare progress and completion reports on roads under construction or maintenance;
Work hand in hand with any delegated contract management agency contracted by the District to oversee the design and execution of roads construction and maintenance.
Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction, Architecture, Public Works with 0 Year of relevant experience
10. Job Title: Secretary and Customer Care Officer
Job responsibilities
Maintain the incoming and outgoing correspondences of the Sector;
Manage the agenda of the Executive Secretary;
Receive clients’ queries and direct them to the right personnel;
Keep the Sector’s store and manage flux on a daily basis;
Prepare logistics for meetings held at the Sector level.
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration, Administrative Sciences, Sociology, Management, Communication, Social Work, Marketing, Secretariat Studies, Office Management with 0 Year of relevant experience
11. Job Title: Social Affair Officer
Job responsibilities
Coordinate the inclusive identification of vulnerable groups at the Sector level and their needs in accordance with the criteria established by higher authorities;
Implement the District’s empowerment strategy for vulnerable groups towards their graduation;
Monitor and evaluate the impact of inclusive social protection programs or initiatives within the Sector and produce consolidated reports thereof;
Monitor the functioning of the Women promotion programs, Children promotion programs, Persons with Disabilities promotion programs at the Sector level and produce consolidated reports thereof;
Organize, in collaboration with other stakeholders, campaigns (training, workshops, meetings, etc.) aimed at improving the inclusive development of vulnerable groups the Sector and Cells;
Develop and keep updated a database of vulnerable groups as well as graduates living in the Sector
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration, Administrative Sciences, Sociology, Psychology, Education Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social Work, Education Sciences, Demography, Arts and Humanities with 0 Year of relevant experience
Advanced Diploma in Sociology, Public Administration, Social Works, Psychology, Demography, Education Science, Education Psychology, Administrative Sciences, Clinical Psychology, Arts and Humanities with 0 Year of relevant experience
12. Job Title: Socio-Economic Development Officer
Job responsibilities
Collect and consolidate data on specific public (policy) issues pertaining to socio-economic development and record data about death and birth across the Cell;
Identify socio-economic development needs at the Cell level and accordingly advise on response measures;
Elaborate, under the supervision of the Executive Secretary of the Cell, programs of community works;
Supervise the execution of community development and citizen participation activities across the Cell and produce consolidated reports thereof;
Prepare documents to be signed by the Executive Secretary of the Cell and assist him/her in the production of the Cell’s activities performance reports.
Facilitate gathering data related to the employment status within the cell
A2 in Education, Agriculture, Humanities Sciences, Rural Development with 0 Year of relevant experience
13. Job Title: Health and Sanitation Officer
Job responsibilities
Implement the District’s strategy on community health and sanitation in line with national policies and programs;
Organize and conduct public awareness campaigns at the Sector level on health and sanitation issues, including diseases and malnutrition prevention and control;
Supervise the quality of services rendered by health facilities at the Sector level and consolidate data on the situation of subscription to medical insurance schemes (including Mutuelle de Santé);
Monitor the allocation and use of funds intended to support community health and sanitation for vulnerable people.
Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Health Sciences, Clinical Psychology, Public Health, Community Health, Hygiene and Sanitation, Health Sciences with 0 Year of relevant experience
Advanced Diploma in Environmental Health Sciences, Public Health, Community Health, Hygiene and Sanitation, Public Health Sciences, Clinical Psychology with 0 Year of relevant experience
14. Job Title: Exective Secretary
Job responsibilities
Perform daily duties of the Cell administration and monitor the administration of Villages and produce reports thereof;
Follow up, in collaboration with relevant organs, on the security of people and their property in the Cell;
Coordinate community development and citizen participation activities, mobilize the local population on government policies and programs and implement decisions by higher authorities and or the Cell Consultative Council; Render services provided at the cell level as per the law, and receive and solve or channel issues affecting citizens and provide them with a feedback;
Serve as a minutes taker to the Cell Consultative Committee meetings, monitor all activities of Land Committees, and serve as a nonprofessional bailiff at the Cell level;
Supervise the collection and consolidation of data on specific public (policy) issues at Cell level, and manage the finances and assets of the Cell.
Diploma A2 in Social sciences, Arts and Sciences with 3 Years of relevant experience
15. Job Title: Education Officer
Job responsibilities
Conduct financial and administrative inspection of public schools (elementary, primary, secondary and TVET schools) in line with the directives of the District, Laws and regulations;
Conduct administrative inspection of private schools (elementary, primary, secondary and TVET schools) and other informal education providers in line with the directives of the District and Laws and regulations;
Inspect the hygiene in schools in accordance with sanitation measures;
Keep statistics related to school turn up, drop-out, graduation and adult literacy;
Audit the quality of education provided by schools at Sector level.
Bachelor's Degree in Education Psychology, Education Sciences with 0 Year of relevant experience
Advanced Diploma in Education Sciences, Education Psychology with 0 Year of relevant experience