Job Vacancies at Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

18 Job Vacancies at Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy
Job Vacancies

Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy | Type: Job
Published: 2023-09-09 | Deadline: 2023-09-19

1.Job Title: Cultural Tourism Officer

Job Description

Management of existing and new heritage products 

  • Participate in development of content on heritage products;
  • Distribution of museums and heritage sites promotional materials, specifically targeting the travel and hospitality industry; 
  • Disseminate information on cultural events both internally, nationally and internationally

Promotion of new cultural tourism products and programs within the institution 

  • Participate in the elaboration of cultural tourism promotion’s annual action plan and budget, with emphasis to publicity;     
  • List down in collaboration with department staff all annual events, and allocate budget for each;
  • Identify targeted audiences for museum exhibitions and propose mechanisms to reach them; 
  • Preparing tourist/visitor information.   
  • Develop and maintain relationships with all local communities and cultural tourism service providers;

Organize annual events 
Organize national and international events, exhibitions and trade fairs    

  • Participate in the national and international cultural events exhibitions and trade fairs; 
  • Produce the content and design for exhibitions;
  • Gathering material for exhibition;
  • Produce reports on national and international events, exhibitions and trade fairs held

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Tourism, Tourism Management, Heritage Studies with 0 Year of relevant experience

2.Job Title:  Procurement Officer

Job Description

Implement procurement procedures in compliance with relevant laws and regulations  

  • Prepare procurement planning and ensure its implementation; 

  • Prepare tender documents; 

  • Publish and distribute tender notice;

  • Receive and safe keep bids;

  • Act as secretary of institution’s internal tender committee; 

  • Request competent authorities to approve recommendations for the award of tender;

  • Prepare notification of tender award to the successful bidder;

  • Provide information and documents to Rwanda Public Procurement Authority whenever considered necessary;

  • Carry out any other duty provided for by regulations on public procurement. 

Coordinate the contract Management activities 

  • Monitor contract execution in collaboration with concerned departments;

  • Propose contract management reporting form;  

  • Keep updated the form and electronic contract management files for all institution’s tenders;

  • Produce reports on contract management. 

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's Degree in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Procurement, Management with recognized procurement professional certification, Accounting with recognized procurement professional certification, Law with recognized procurement professional certification, Economics with recognized procurement professional certification, Civil Engineering with recognized procurement professional certification, Public Finance with a recognized professional certification in procurement with 0 Year of relevant experience

3.Job Title:  Legal Affairs Officer

Job Description

Provide legal opinions and advices on all Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy activities and interventions 

  • Collect, review and keep legal documents, instruments or other materials relating to the institution and ensure the compliance thereto; 

  • Collect and keep in records all laws, decisions related to jurisprudence in the area of complaints and interest of the institution;

  • Provide practical legal advice and opinions to ensure that the appropriate legal approach is taken on arising matters in accordance with existing laws, policies and procedures

Drafting of contracts and MoUs 
Drafting of legal Instruments 

  • Identify legal issues in the institution subject to research and carry out legal research to address the issue;

  • Participate in drafting legislative instruments (laws and regulations) of the institution;

  • Prepare the validation session(s) of the draft law/order;    

Liaise with the Ministry of Justice and other related Institutions in legal matters 

  • Work closely with the Ministry and other institutions on legal matters involving the institution;   

  • Follow up the progress of the court cases of the institution and the execution process of court judgements

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's Degree in Law, Law with Diploma in Legal Practice, Legal Drafting with 0 Year of relevant experience

4.Job Title:  Director of National Archives Services Unit

Job Description

Coordination of activities and Supervision of staff of the Unit

  • Define with the staff the plans and projects to be presented to the Deputy Director General,

  • Coordinate and supervise the execution of the activities of the unit in accordance with the mission and objectives of the Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy with regard to archives services; 

  • Develop long-range planning for National Archives services, including programs and services, staffing, budgeting, building and public relations; 

  • Coordinate awareness-raising and promotion activities on archives and records management with public, private and civil society institutions ,

  • Coordinate all major reports, proposals, contracts, or grants related to the National Archive Services; 

  • Coordinate day to day management of the National Archives and evaluate the staff; 

  • Analyze and recommend major records and archives management programs and policies to the Deputy Director General regarding the services, programs and systems, including public policies, buildings, Fonds-development, finance, technology and public relations; 

  • Supervise the development of  the National Archives as a permanent memory of Rwandan Government and its institutions;

  • Develop strategies to improve the management of the human resources of the unit, in particular with regard to the recruitment, training and retention of highly qualified and experienced staff; 

  • Implementation of the mission and the goals of Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy with regard of Archives Services;

  • Any other duties assigned to him/her. 

Coordination of the implementation of plans, strategies and projects and evaluation of results,

  • Coordinate the implementation of the strategic orientations merging the National Archive Services and the National Library Services in permanent cultural heritage and collective memory of the nation as well as in the supreme center of knowledge on Rwanda, its citizens and the history of its governance; 

  • Assesses records and archives management needs of the Country and implements programs to meet those needs. 

  • Coordinate the promotion of archive services delivery to the population.

  • Develop a risk management plan for archives 

Coordination of the implementation and application of national laws, policies, regulations, strategies and international standards,

  • Supervise and monitor compliance of public institutions (Ministries and Agencies) to the records and archives management policies and guidelines (GoR File plan and Records Retention and Disposal Schedules);  

  • Coordinate, implement and monitor the relevant national policies, guidelines, programs and strategies related to records and archives management; 

  • Search for and inform competent organs about cultural heritage unlawfully exported or kept beyond the designated time abroad for their repatriation to Rwanda. 

Promotion of professionalism in the field of archives, documentation, and contribution to research activities in the field of archives,

  • Promote professional associations of documentarists and archivists and consequently report on implementation of specific academic programs;

  • Develop and implement a continuing education plan for department staff, based on the performance needs of the department and update it regularly;

  • Supervise the professional workshops, trainings, congresses, seminars;

  • Develop internship programs;

  • Contribute to researches in library and information fields. 

Provide advice to the management on archives matters. 

  • Work with a wide range of stakeholders, enhance professional associations in Rwanda and internationally;  to develop and promote the professions of archivists, librarians and documentarists in Rwanda, Africa and in the world.  

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's Degree in Archives, Archival Science, Archives and Record Management, Archives and Documentation with 3 Years of relevant experience

  • Master's Degree in Archives and Documentation, Archives, Archives and Record Management, Library and Information Sciences with specialization in Archives with 1 Year of relevant experience

5.Job Title:  Acquisition & Technical Services Archivist (3 Positions)

Job Description

Participation to the development of National Archives acquisition mechanisms and strategy and ensure their implementation,

  • Elaborate and implement policies, guidelines, plans and procedures to guide the acquisition process of the National Archives, and disseminate them through the website;

  • Develop the National Archives as a permanent comprehensive memory, past and present, of the Rwandan state and government and their institutions,

  • Elaborate, update the national accession form and disseminate through the website;

  • Receive archives transferred from the institutions and verify them according to the guidelines and national accession form;

  • Register the selected archives to keep in the National Archives Services;

  • In collaboration with the director of National Archives Services unit, conduct appraisal of incoming archives donations according to the established guidelines;   

  • Participate in national, regional and international  professional meetings on archives collection development and acquisition;

  • Produce a quarterly statistical report of the acquisitions process and disseminate them on website.   

Implementation of professional archives technical services according to international standards.

  • Implement policies and procedures on technical services and disseminate them through the website,

  • Implement the international Standards for archives processing,

  • Describe, classify and index the National Archives materials according to International Standards , Archives Description rules and the national authority files,

  • Participate with  the technical services librarian and the national bibliography officer to develop and maintain the national authority files of events, people and places to be used for the process treatment of archives and library materials,

  • Supervise technical services of interns and volunteers work and integration,

  • Provide a support of technical services to archives services in the country  when  needed,

  • Produce a quarterly statistical report of treatment process.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's Degree in Archives, Archives and Documentation, Archives and Record Management with 0 Year of relevant experience

6.Job Title:  Preservation and Conservation Archivist (2 Positions)

Job Description

Ensure permanent and uninterrupted access to the National Archives in electronic and physical formats,

  • Implement, disseminate and update the preservation and conservation policies, procedures, guidelines, (installation conditions, collections care, store,  emergency management, etc.) for Archives in Rwanda and disseminate them;  

  • Implement international Standards in Archives conservation and preservation; 

  • Work with the Integrated archives and library management systems specialist to put in place digitization systems and procedures including infrastructure requirements; 

  • Pay particular attention to archives repatriated from former colonial powers and from elsewhere; regularly inform the management of the National Archives of Rwanda of the progress of repatriation; 

  • Manage the archives in the repositories, with particular attention to the transit movements of the archives in the different places of processing and use and produce annual inventory report of archives materials.  

Provide staff training on preservation and conservation of archives,

  • Provide training to National Archives staff on archival preservation and conservation; 

  • Supervise conservation and preservation interns and volunteers. 

Implementation of the risk management plan for archives. 

  • Foresee for emergency preparedness, develop and implement a disaster plan according to international standards; 

  • Ensure the operation of environmental control equipment  of archives repository and complete preventive maintenance requirements; 

  • Review, select, analyze deteriorated archival documents and apply the appropriate restoration techniques;

  • Fumigate with appropriate treatment the new incoming archival materials before shelving;

  • Apply the digitization of Archives materials with help of the Integrated archives and library management systems      specialist;

  • Acquire appropriate products and equipment and conduct restoration of deteriorating archives;

  • Identify and collaborate with facilitators and professionals in archives disaster recovery at national and international level.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's Degree in Documentation, Archives, Archives and Documentation, Historic Preservation, Records Management with 0 Year of relevant experience

7.Job Title:  Heritage Sites Protection Specialist

Job Description

Participate in the identification of heritage sites around the country 

  • Participate in identification of potential    heritage sites across the country;

  • Carry out field surveys and documentation on heritage sites to assess their status; 

  • Select among others heritage sites with outstanding value;  

  • Coordinate the elaboration of national heritage sites inventory;

  • Coordinate the preparation activity of national proposal of heritage sites with universal value for submission to world heritage Committee;

  • Participate in activities related to domestication and implementation of international conventions in heritage management.    

Propose and implement strategies and guidelines for efficient preservation, protection and management of Rwanda heritage sites  

  • Identify and propose appropriate strategies and guidelines for efficient preservation, protection and management of Rwanda heritage sites; 

  • Coordinate and monitor the implementation of strategies and guidelines;

  • Liaise with site managers, local communities and authorities in the implementation of strategies and guidelines; 

  • Produce reports on the status of preservation, protection and management of Rwanda heritage sites.

Valorize the heritage sites   

  • Carry out research on heritage sites and write publishable papers thereon; 

  • Produce and keep the documentation on heritage sites;   

  • Coordinate the mapping activity of Rwanda heritage sites;     

  • Draft educative texts and labels for heritage the sites;  

  • Assess and propose accessibility to heritage sites;

  • Develop heritage sites into cultural tourism attraction products in collaboration with other institution’s professionals, local communities, authorities and other stakeholders in tourism sector, and put in place their maintenance mechanisms.  

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's Degree in History, Heritage Studies, Archeology, Museum Studies, Cultural Heritage Management, Anthropology with 3 Years of relevant experience

  • Master's Degree in History,  Anthropology, Heritage Studies, Archeology, Cultural Heritage Management, Museum Studies with 1 Year of relevant experience

8.Job Title:  Front Desk Operations Officer

Job Description

Provide efficient services to visitors

  • Ensure the daily management of front desk and provide reports to the Management 

  • Provide visitors with useful information about services delivery;  

  • Provide to visitors’ admission to access to exhibitions, archives and library services; 

  • Serve as liaison between the visitors and the management and guide service providers;  

  • Manage the visitors’ reservation in terms of information, cancelation and service delivery; 

  • Report on visitors’ suggestions, statistics and revenues;

  • Manage the petty cash on a daily basis.

Organize all surveys on public opinion about services offered by the institution on request of supervisors

  • Collect, compile and analyze the results of investigations and complaints received in the suggestions' box and identify key ideas.

  • Collect and process information from users on their expectations, satisfactions, type of disputes with the institution.

  • Provide advice and recommendations to improve the image and quality of the services delivered by the institution

Minimum Qualifications

  • Advanced Diploma in Office Management, Business Administration, Communication, Business Administration, Public Relations, Marketing, Customer Relations, Hospitality management with 1 Year of relevant experience

  • Bachelor's Degree in Communication, Marketing, Business Administration, Customer Relations, Hospitality Management, Office Management, Public Relations with 0 Year of relevant experience

9. Job Title: Warden Guide (7 Positions)

Job Description

Receive and guide museum visitors.

  • Lead individuals and/or groups through the museum, describing objects and arts craft in the museum’s gallery.  
  • Monitor individual or/and group’s activities while visiting the museum and its surroundings to ensure every visitor complies with the museum's related regulations. 
  • Answer visitors’ questions and keep the tour organized, efficient, and safe both inside and outside of the museum. 
  • Assist the visitors to understand the museums concept.
  • Deliver first-aid or emergency services to visitors when required. 

Assume the continuity of the exhibitions organized by the museum and consequently prepare reports.

  • Distribute brochures, flayers, and show audiovisual presentations related to each museum exhibition if available. 
  • Monitor the status of arts crafts, and materials present in the museums which are used in exhibition such as audio-visual materials, and then report observation to responsible units if deemed necessary. 
  • Report the visitors’ feedback or/and observation related to a certain exhibition to the museum management unity. 

Build and operate a data bank of comments and suggestions from visitors to improve the quality of the museum exhibitions.

  • Collect and register visitors’ feedback and comments for future products and services development or improvement. 
  • Assist in analysis process of all suggestions and comments from the visitors. 

NB : Successful candidates should be ready for deployment  to any  museum during the course of the contract  towards a better service delivery

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's Degree in Economics, Public Administration, Sociology, Development Studies, History, Education, Anthropology, International Relations, Environmental Sciences, Natural Sciences, Business Administration, History with Education, Cultural Heritage Management, Customer Relations, Translation and Interpretation, Museology, Heritage Studies, Socio-Linguistics, History of Arts, Modern Foreign Languages, Conservation Biology, Tourism Studies, Tourism and Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management with 0 Year of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity

  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

  • Inclusiveness

  • Accountability

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Client/citizen focus

  • Professionalism

  • Commitment to continuous learning

  • Digital literacy skills

  • Knowledge of customer care satisfaction

  • Resource management skills

  • Problem solving skills

  • Decision making skills

  • Time management skills

  • Risk management skills

  • Results oriented

  • Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage

  • Analytical skills;