Tender for printing services at FXB Rwanda

FXB Rwanda |
Type: Tender
Published: 2024-05-18 | Deadline: 2024-05-22
Subject: Tender for printing services
Tender reference: 004/S/FXB/2024
FXB Rwanda is Rwandan Local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), whose mission to address the root causes of poverty as a means of securing children’s rights to survive, grow and develop and strives to be a catalyst for long-lasting positive change in low- and moderate-income among vulnerable families affected/infected by HIV/AIDS by supporting them to improve their social, economic and environmental conditions.
FXB Rwanda would like to invite interested companies or persons to submit their bid document for printing services of the following books. The books will be delivered at the Sugira Muryango offices located in Kimihurura.
IZU Workbook (Black and White) printed on both sides with simple landscape binding: 100 Number of Pages
Curriculum (Colored) printed on both sides with spiral binding: 257 Number of Pages
IZU Quality Monitoring Guide (Black and White) printed on both sides with simple landscape binding: 120 Number of Pages
Consent Form Photo release (Black and White): 1 Number of Pages
The bidder shall submit the following documents:
- Price schedule/quotations detailing price for one page and the whole book detailing the price with VAT inclusive and exclusive.
- Copy of the incorporation certificate from RDB;
- Valid Tax clearance certificate from Rwanda Revenue Authority
- Copy of clearance certificate from Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB)
All the listed documents, in a sealed envelope shall be addressed to the FXB Rwanda coordination office located at Kamonyi District, Runda Sector, Ruyenzi cell, Rubumba Village, no later than Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:00 P.M.
- FXB has the right to cancel the tender in case the bidders’ prices are not consistent with market prices;
- Please make sure you include your email address as it will be used in giving feedback on your application. Suppliers with no email address will not receive any feedback.
- The sample of the books to be printed are available to FXB Rwanda Coordination Office on the address mentioned above;
- The winner will be requested to provide the sample of the books to be delivered before printing all requested quantities.
Done at Ruyenzi on May 15, 2024
Executive Director